Call us now +977 01 5388650

Credit Guarantee:

  • Collaborating with the Deposit and Credit Guarantee Corporation, our financial institution provides credit guarantee services for large-scale livestock loans, ensuring increased access to credit for borrowers.

Plus Services:

  • Welfare Services: Borrowers contribute to the Borrower's Welfare Fund, which enables them to access welfare services for consuming loans without collateral.
  • Death Benefits: In the event of the non-defaulting loanee member's death, we provide financial support of Rs. 4,000 or an amount equivalent to one installment for ritual expenses. Additionally, for loans without collateral, all outstanding loan amounts and interest are subsidized upon the borrower's death.
  • Maternity Support: Maternity loan borrowers receive Rs. 2,500 for general loan borrowers and Rs. 5,000 for maternity-related expenses.

Other Services:

  • Financial Literacy Classes: We conduct financial literacy classes for our members, empowering them with knowledge and skills for better financial management.
  • Regular Interaction Programs: We organize regular interaction programs to foster communication and engagement with our members.
  • Exposure Visits: Members have opportunities for exposure visits to gain insights into different industries and business practices.
  • Social Awareness Programs: We conduct regular programs to raise social awareness and address relevant community issues.
  • Skill Development Trainings: We facilitate linkages for skill development trainings, enabling members to enhance their professional abilities.
  • Reward Program for Excellent SEE Graduates: We recognize and reward the top 10 SEE graduates (5 boys & 5 girls) among the children of our members, fostering educational excellence and motivation.